Friday, August 22, 2008

PMR Writing Workshop

As preparation for Malacca Trial & PMR, the form three students were given a writing workshop by Pn Norasyikin Hg on 18 August 2008. The students were exposed to various ways of writing techniques to further streghthen their writing skills. The students worked in groups to complete the tasks and did peer evaluation. They were assisted by all the form 3 teachers - En. Ahmad Rizal, Pn. Sinarsuria, Pn. Norizah & Pn. Faizahanim. The four - hour workshop ended at 12.30. Hopefully, the students will do their best in the trial and PMR

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. May I know what types of methods are you using to improve the writing skills? Can you email me at ? I'm trying to teach my students on how to improve their writing... Thanks